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Welcome to the Assure Family

Now you know you are not alone.

Protecting your family; an act of Love.


A. International Funeral Assistant Plan.
Proteccion Plenitud, Inc., thru third party providers will provide ship out

services from the United States to Latin America countries

  1. Transfer of Deceased to local funeral provider
  2. Preparation of the deceased (embalming ) for ship out
  3. Standard Casket (according to the country regulations) and/or Urn for cremated remains
  4. Legal Documents (filing death certificate, health department letter, permits, consulate papers and fees)
  5. Transfer of Deceased to Airport
  6. Airline Ticket for deceased to the city requested by family member
  7. Transfer of deceased from airport to local funeral home
  8. Visitation (basic time of each location)
  9. Family transportation according to local customs
  10. Burial site ( according to legal disposition of country selected). Standard ground space or crypt. In the event the client owns cemetery property the company will cover the cost of opening and closing.
  11. In the event the clients chooses cremation the funeral provider in charge will select crematory for final disposition of the remains.
  12. Airline ticket, economy class for the plan owner, subject to availability of the airline from the United States (round trip) with the sole purpose of attending the funeral services of the beneficiary.

B. Family protection for beneficiary who live in Latin America Proteccion Plenitud, Inc., thru third party providers will give the following services:

  1. Standard funeral services or cremation
  2.  Transfer of remains to funeral home
  3. Preparation of remains
  4. Standard Casket or Urn (according to country regulations)
  5. Visitation at funeral home or home services according to the local customs
  6. Family transportation according to local customs
  7. Burial site (according to legal disposition of country selected). Standard ground space or Crypt. In the event the clients owns cemetery property the company will cover the cost of opening and closing..
  8. in the event the client chooses cremation the funeral provider in charge will select crematory for final disposition of the remains.
  9. Airline ticket, economy class for the plan owner, subject to availability of the airline from the United States (round trip) with the sole purpose of attending the funeral services of the beneficiary.

C. Family protection for those who live in the United States.

Protección Plenitud, Inc., thru third party providers will give the following services:

  1. Standard funeral services or cremation
  2.  Transfer of remains to funeral home
  3. Preparation of Remains (embalming or refrigeration)
  4. Visitation (basic time of funeral home providing services)
  5. Standard casket or urn (according to cemetery regulations)
  6.  Transfer of deceased to cemetery or crematory
  7. In the event the client chooses cremation the funeral provider in charge will select crematory for final disposition
  8. Standard Memorial Package
  9. Death certificate (1)
  10. Transportation of deceased within the United States
  11. Airline ticket, economy class for the plan owner, subject to availability of the airline within the United States (round trip) with the sole purpose of attending the funeral services of the beneficiary.

D. How to obtain services

  1. To obtain services the client must contact Proteccion Plenitud, Inc, thru the toll free line 1-888-815-5817, at this time a staff member will start the process to facilitate the services. Please have on hand this agreement at the time of the call_____________x
  2. If the funeral services and airline ticket are not requested as mention above, Proteccion Plenitud Inc, will be exempt of y responsability and/or claim of any kind, and will not be obligated to provide services or make any kind of refund____________x
  3. The beneficiaries in this agreement must be in good health at the time of enrollment, (see addendum), in case of that we determine otherwise Proteccion Plenitud, Inc., will be exempt of any responsibility and/or claim of any kind, and will not be obligated to provide services or make any kind of refund _____________x
  4. The plan will provide benefits for accidental or violent death (3) working days after inscription and for natural death one hundred eighty days (180)_____________x
  5. Payments of the plan will only be accepted in the United States or thru agencies authorized by Proteccion Plenitud, Inc. in Latin America

E. Conditions

  1. The plan protects the client and six (6) other beneficiaries regardless of the relationship, they must be no over 65, with the exception of the client’s parents. There is no age limit for their parents_____________x
  2. Falsification of information: Falsification of information in ages, names, relationship or physical conditions are grounds to deny services, in the case that this occur, Proteccion Plenitud, Inc will be exempt of any responsibility and/or claim of any kind, and will not be obligated to provide services or refund of any kind_____________x
  3. Multiple enrollment: If the beneficiary at the time of death is enroll in more than one program, only one will be recognize.
  4. Additional Services: those services contracted by the client that are not in the plan, will be the sole responsibility of the client and must be paid directly to the funeral provider doing the sevices.
  5. Services not used: If the service or part of the service is not requested, there will not be any refund or replacement of services.
  6. Replacement of beneficiaries: Substitutions or changes can only be done at renewal time, which is annually.

F. Other conditions

  1. The client or the employer must not be delinquent on their payments in order to obtain services _____________x
  2. If the client or employer get behind more than two (2) months the right for services is lost. Benefits can be reinstated once the payments that are behind are made; there will be a waiting period of (30) days.
  3. If the client or employer are behind more than three (3) months the plan will be automatically cancelled _____________x
  4. It is the responsibility of the client to make their payments on time regardless of the method of payment selected (credit card or bank draft)
  5. When payments are made thru employer, and the employee is terminated, the client must select a new method of payment.
  6. The client must notify Proteccion Plenitud, Inc. of any changes such as their mailing address, telephone numbers, email and method of payment.
  7. This agreement is in effect for one year from the date of inscription.
  8. Renewal: Company Plan agreements have automatic renewal. In the event the company does not want to continue in the program they must notify Proteccion Plenitud, Inc, at least 30 days before the renewal date. Individual Plan agreements have automatic renewal. If the client does not wish to continue in the program must notify Proteccion Plenitud, Inc., in writing.
  9. Price Increase: This agreement is subject to increase in price. Price increase will only be done at time of renewal.

In case of disagreements or controversy regarding the fulfillment of the contract, the parties should submit the complain bases on interpretation, application or compliance to the managing organization and to the applicable laws of the State of Florida.

Rev. 11/03/2015